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Make a Change is very willing to visit you in school, if you feel like asking me to come to your school, contact me via email or facebook. All you need is a hall, a projector and listeners. It is possible to meet not only in Warsaw, everything is a matter of finding details.

Class 1-3

Meetings with the youngest to show them the world of animals

Class 3-6

Meetings that open eyes and minds for possibilities that they have ahead

 Middle and high school

Meetings based mostly on discussionn. Talking about my journeys I try to inspire youth to follow their dreams.


"I am very thankful that you came and showed what really is a dream and that it is worth to draw your hand.


I am so inspired, I want to dream and fulfill my dreams! I want to live !!

Your Africa has become my dream of Africa and it is just beautiful!"

-Basia, mother of one of the students from school in Baków 


By following your dreams you can change the world


KRS: 0000714816

IBAN: PL86 1600 1462 1819 3295 9000 0001



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All images © Make a Change 2018

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